Attentions Worth My Mention
THE FATE OF CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY Hope deferred should be unheard of when it comes to education. People need to make up their minds. Do they want our young people to be a menace to society or a blessing to our America? I don't know if you have heard about the possible closure of Chicago State University (CSU). Chicago State University is a predominately black accredited institution; state funded. There is a budget crisis in the State of Illinois. CSU is nailed in between the crunches of money management. The university serves a large population of the south side and south suburban residents. I don’t know if you have been in tuned with the daily or nightly news concerning the south side of Chicago; however, CSU is a very positive environment needed to combat an otherwise pugnacious setting some individuals on the south side of Chicago would have. I pray this historic foundation will remain open! Young minds should be allowed to be refined with education to let their light shine with the rights of liberty. IT'S A SHAME ABOUT ST. JAMES I have to drop it like it is hot with another landmark establishment on the verge of closure. Yes, St. James Hospital located in Chicago Heights, IL. This impactful decision will hurt the community it serves (mainly minorities) as well as the thousands of jobs that will be lost. PLENTY-MANY WAYS TO FAST FOR DAYS Break every yolk! Loose everything! Fight every spirit in Jesus name! It is time to get your spiritual fasting on during the month of February. This is the month to truly fall in love with the lord all over again. God is so worthy of all our time! I was run over by some groovy information I just have to overshare. There are several ways to do your fast. The Daniel Fast is not the only one ladies and gentlemen. Praying and fasting are our weapons as believers and followers of Christ to keep us close to God so we can hear from him. I want to give some special love and thanks out to Jentezen Franklin Media Ministries. TEXT CODES YOU SHOULD KNOW...LIKE WHOA There are secret codes our scholar babies are using to keep us out of their business. I was watching The Real talk show which is hosted by Tamera Mowry-Housley, Jeannie Mai, Adrienne Bailon, Tamar Braxton, and Loni Love. There was a woman on the show who asked the ladies to decode her daughter's text messaging codes. Guess what? I was so blind but now I see! Did you guys know DOS means DRUG OF CHOICE? POS means PARENTS OVER SHOULDER. Okay, but wait...IWSN= I WANT SEX NOW. You might have to pull out your favorite chair for the last one. CU46 is a code for SEE YOU FOR SEX. If you noticed any of these codes in your children phones what would you do? Have mercy lord! GET LOCKED UP WITH FREE CREDIT REPORTS Equifax, Experian and TransUnion are the culmination of protection for your free credit reports. I urge you to please get your free credit report every year. If you get your free credit report and there are discrepancies you encounter, you can correct it. These free reports are mandated by our government to help reduce identity thief. As an American consumer, you will be allowed to request all 3 reports when you call the number below. Having outstanding or decent credit is very conducive to getting property or an automobile with a great rate. Employers will also judge you based on your credit history. Inquire for a little more and request your credit score. To Request your Credit Report by Phone:
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