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I did a personalized tribute to a few "STRENGTH OF LEGENDS" (women) where I added my own spin by using their birthdates covered in proverbs and psalms bible scriptures. This is the best Mother's Day appreciation ever! Take a peak around and see. Mother's Day post never goes out of style because we will always love our mamas.


I did a personalized tribute to a few "STRENGTH OF LEGENDS" (women) where I added my own spin by using their birth dates covered in proverbs and psalms bible scriptures. This is the best Mother's Day appreciation ever! Take a peak around and see. Mother's Day post never goes out of style because we will always love our mamas. How Butter-Fly are you? Which category/description best describes you or your mom as mothers? Advanced In The-Fly Mama Advanced In The-Fly Mamas are visionaries. Eyes have not seen nor have ears heard about the visionary of an Advanced In The-Fly Mama. She is a Butter-Fly Mama with ideas and dreams expressed in a very different manner. She is the contribution of motivation, education and public service. Just one minute in an Advanced In The-Fly Mama and you automatically become high. You feel good, you think positive and your confidence is at an all-time boost. She truly has the gift to uplift! She will keep you sane and unashamed to stay locked down in the "Butter-Fly" of a mother. She is covered in the bloodstain of Jesus Christ. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things: Psalms 12:3 (December 3) Beauty-Fly Mama Beauty-Fly Mamas are quite lovely divines. She is Beauty-Fly in her thoughts, in acceptance and in love. She is the Beauty of an Amarillo Sour Delight (I will take a! Beauty-Fly Mamas like her are made up of a tranquil-diplomatic brew. I admire this Beauty-Fly’s desire to remain a lady come what may. She is the luminous essence of major support. We are all bounded by a great cloud of Beauty-Fly witnesses. This particular Butter-Fly Mama is framed by her faith in God. The steps of Beauty-Fly Mamas are ordered by the lord. Though she may fall, she shall not be utterly cast down. She wears a Beauty-Fly Crown. She remains in the bloodstain of Jesus. Curve your nerve with a proverb. What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? Shall it declare thy truth? Proverbs 30:9 (September 30) Blkgurl Hottie-Fly Mama Ring-ah-linga-lingy! Hey gurl what’s up (Tee is dry)? Hey (Nef is perkay)! I knew you would be up (Tee). yes. It’s almost 1 am. Are you okay (Nef)? I need to get out of this house. I have to make a run on the Westside and I want you to come with me (Tee). On daa Westside...(he he giggles)! Gurrrl I have on my pajamas! Okay give me about 30 minutes. Okay but that the guy who owns all the properties n-stuff? He’s an unclassified baller ain’t he? Why you wanna go and see him (Nef)? There you go with a million questions. We will talk in the car. I have another call. Just be ready gurl (Tee). Okay this B calling me on the other line too (Nef…beep). Hey (Simultaneously Nef & B )! Did Tee call you (They’re both united in excitement)? I just got off the phone with her (Nef)! I'm getting ready now (B)! Me too (Nef)! I can’t believe we are about to do this, its on (B LOL)!! Yap its on (Nef). A Blkgurl Hottie-Fly Mama like Tee is the empress of endless adventures. This Butter-Fly Mama is well-known for giving out adventures that last a lifetime. I wish I could have that moment for life but I am thankful for the memory! Tee Remains covered in the bloodstain...Hot! True story. Curve your nerve with a proverb. Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things. Proverbs 28:5 (May 28) Brick Hoz-Fly Mama Dudes are always trying to catch up to this Brick Hoz-Fly buttercup! They know what’s up! Instead of being satisfied with a nice hello-hey-hi; they still try to do LONG drive-byes for much longer then she anticipated. Brick Hoz-Fly-Mamas are more than just a banging anatomy. She goes madd-hard in prayer then she tends to the beautification of her hair and nails (God first). This Brick Hoz-Fly Mama is sequestered in encouragement. She will call you up and tell you to forget about the world and all its stressful cares; then pick you up so that you can kick it with her in Morning Prayer. She is so Brick Hoz-Fly. She is about her father’s business. Brick Hoz-Fly Mamas are not boring mamas. If you want to play miss stuck-up you may want to retreat. You will be funked-up with a funky attitude. She is well-trained in fun-times only. Brick Hoz-Fly Mamas remain in the bloodstain. Unmovable! Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. LORD, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. Psalms 8:26 (August 26) Championista-Fly Mama If God deems what is, there really is no other ism. It is what it tis. So to me she is my Championista; and she’ll keep on fighting until the end. She is my Championista. No time for losing because she is my Championista-Fly Mama in my world. She is the Fly-Mama that taught me how to love and forgive the most; with a toast to the Holy-Spirit of course. Championista-Fly Mamas like my mama put the “condition” in the “un” smack dap in the middle of unconditional LOVE. Champions are known for winning fights. Championista-Fly Mamas help you fight behind the scenes to help keep the body of Christ in God’s light; as wickedness yields to righteousness! Healthy foods soothe her mood, because she is Butter-Fly. The Championista Mama remains fly in the bloodstain covering of Jesus Christ. Curve your nerve with a proverb. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: Proverbs 1:5 (January 5) Chic Gurl-Fly Mama Chic Gurls run the world! Chic Gurl-Fly-Mamas raise the barometer for Butter-Fly-Ness. Credulity is the direct opposite of this Chic Fly Mama. She is the key element of betterment. In light of having striking negotiation skills; Chic Gurl-Fly Mamas know how worthy they are. This Chic Gurl-Fly Mama will ask for what she wants and receive it! She never treats people with “Uncool-Cruel” and will not agree with those that do. She is slow to anger and free in love from above. She remains covered in the bloodstain! Curve your nerve with a proverb. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Proverbs 1:8 (January 8) Dawnmination-Fly Mama As she Dawnminates her way to the top-non-stop...pause-stop-wait! She is beyond great! The Dawnmination of the non-dithering mama is coming for you! She Dawnminates in the arena of education and love with a twist of grace; which make her a Dawnminated-Fly Mama mate. There are innumerable reasons why this mama is so Dawnmination-Fly. Let me just state she Dawnminates in her faith and prayer life. She applies her heart to understanding as she takes perplexity and turns it to simplicity for all the young minds who she is assigned to Dawnminate. It is with all my might that I pray for the best, better and “the more” to reign in your Dawnmination-Fly Mama life. Curve your nerve with a proverb. The rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 (July 22) Double Dime-Fly Mama I cram to understand a wicked man’s plan because it will not work on my Butter- Fly Dime; jealousy, hatred and tons of strife is what they eat, think and drink (give me a mojito-sour because I have been delivered from at night. Double Dime Fly-Mamas masticate on the fruit of the spirit (joy, love, peace and sharing earrings). A Double Dime-Fly Mama is not greatly moved by a fool. She will continue to smile like a doll all up in yo face, and pray behind your back! She is rinsed and dipped in God’s grace. She prays for the lord to have his way. She remains covered in the bloodstain of Jesus. Curve your nerve with a proverb. The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way. Proverbs 25:9 (September 25) Fashiontiffsta-Fly Mama The sagacity to carry her own mental weight; it does not matter the majority or minority. Absolutely nothing will be able to sway this Fashiontiffsta-Fly Mama if she doesn’t want involvement. Her examination will leave you testifying against the emptiness that crowds your mind if you try to force anything on her. She has her own style and her own mind. She instigates all mamas to be their own person and think their own thoughts. Style is in the belly of longevity and trends fade away like fake friends. You constantly have to update trends. The Fashiontiffsta-Fly Mama demonstrates the development of her intelligence as a wife, mother and diva! She understands that in life things may not always be good, so she makes it great! The Fashiontiffsta-Fly Mama firmly remains covered in the bloodstain of Jesus. Curve your nerve with a proverb. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it. Proverbs 2:22 (February 22) Fa Sho I know I’m-Fly Mama Assuredly I say unto you that Fa Sho I know I’m-Fly Mamas walk by faith, not by sight. Fa Sho I know I’m-Fly Mamas rock in their defense to be self-reliant. Her confidence has no room for diffidence. When she enters any event cameras tend to flick. Her attributes range between Fa Sho I’m Fly and I Know I’m Fly. She's just a Butter-Fly Prowess on the rise. No matter what happens in life she always know that God’s unfailing love will be with her through the winds and the waves of life. She remains covered in the bloodstain of Christ. Curve your nerve with a proverb. The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools. Proverbs 26:7 (July 26) Favored-Fly Mama Praise the Lord! A Favored-Fly Mama is in the house! Her mother-hood is like way too illustrious and God’s favor in her life is without end. Blessed is the womb that bore her and the breast which nursed her. Favored-Fly Mamas DO NOT allow just anybody to watch their children. As soon as she leaves she misses them. She can’t wait to get off of work ( to see them again. No man can reverse what God have blessed. Favored-Fly-Mamas walk in the way of goodness and keep to the paths of righteousness. They continue to stay on their mission to remain in the bloodstain position. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. O lord, you have brought my soul up from the grave; you have kept me alive that I should not go down to the pit! Psalms 30:3 (March 30) Fiercely-Fly Mama Fiercely-Fly Mamas dwell quite well in their purposcellence (purpose, excellence). She is dedicated to the unity to preserve and help produce good communities. She strives to keep hope alive. This Fiercely-Fly Mama is the President for the National Congress of Black Women Metro Chicago Chapter. She is so Butter-Fly! Her empowerment is heaven-sent; as she achieves great things for women and families. Fiercely-Fly Mamas like her aspire to be that good and faithful servant of leadership. She shall eat plenty and be satisfied, praising the name of the lord who has dealt wondrously with her. She remains covered in the bloodstain of Jesus! Curve your nerve with a Proverb. Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things. Proverbs 8:6 (August 6) FineTower-Fly Mama In the beginning FineTower-Fly Mamas were born baby girls. Then that girl became a young lady; to end a woman. In her is the gift of life. She gives life to the light of men. All human life was made through her with God working in the background. A FineTower-Fly Mama is sometimes too good to be true. The universality of her personality keeps her wrapped tight in “fine-mode” wherever she goes. She is drenched in love from above. You may need to get a hug from her. You don’t need to Abilify your life with Cymbalta or Nitrate; because all of them drugs were how you got sick in the first place. What you really need is an ounce of weed (just kidding...lmbo). What you need is to be in the company of a FineTower-Fly Mama like Gi Gi. It is only right that miracles overlap in the life of a FineTower-Fly-Mama. The bloodstain remains quite “Fine” in her life. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Psalms 9:19 (September 19) Flaming Hot-Fly Mama Sound wisdom, understanding and strength are gift wrapped in this Flaming Hot-Fly chick. She executively directs with an inexpressible impact. The reality of her public service mentality is total Flaming-Hot! A Flaming Hot-Fly Mama is a secret weapon. She is one of God’s top solid rocks. Her wins never end. She brings home the dividends. She leaks of sweet...bring the heat...and give out treats to her hubby and kids. Flaming Hot-Fly Mamas understand what is right and acceptable. She makes her kids eat their vegetables. She loves mercy and does justly. God is always showing her off. Flaming-Hots never lose they only learn. Where are the real Flaming-Hots, right there (Nita) right there (Nita) in the board room, at a conference, nursing babies; please don’t stare! This Flaming Hot-Fly Mama remains covered in the bloodstain of Jesus. Curve your nerve with a proverb. By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. Proverbs 16:6 (June 16) Fliest-Fly Mama “This is the team. We’re trying to go to the moon. If you can’t put someone up, please don’t put them down” -NASA motto. This motto is an exemplary standard of the Fliest-Fly Mama. The growth and history of the Fliest-Fly Mama is a mixture of twigs (the nick) and pigs (the tone), profitable gains and good company. Love is a continual dripping in the heart of this Butter-Fly Mama. She is peace where there is none. She is a sweet kiss on the cheek. The Fliest-Fly Mama has a heart and mind that is worth a lot. Her character is an extension of her worthiness. She is a woman of value. The Fliest-Fly Mama remains covered in the bloodstain of Christ. Curve your nerve with a proverb. The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. Proverbs 21:1 (January 21) Floetic-Fly Mama She Floetically flows in her knowledge to perfect those things that be not as though they were. This Floetic-Fly Mama represents the “National Anthem” of a mother’s LOVE for her children in word and in deed. Floetic-Fly Mamas build their children up with a positive upsurge to forfend against the negative nerves of the world. No matter if it’s the right time, season or weather; her love is cloudy and raining at the unconditional level. Some women may need to try a little Floetic-Butter Fly in their lives. The bloodstain (Jesus) remains dripping in the Floetic-Fly Mamas. Curve your nerve with a Proverb. I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. Proverbs 8:12 (August 12) Flowing In The-Fly Mama Gossip is easy for her to resist. It is pushed way back on the agenda. Flowing In The-Fly Mamas are a bit more refined and concerned to burn more in their spirits. She knows it is her wealth. To be poor is to be carnal minded; always dwelling in your flesh. She is a Fly Mama that aims to heighten her spiritual game. It keeps her heart cleansed and serene. The supplications of her prayers are not snared in hindrance. She is not too much concerned with the cares of the secular world. She understands and would recommend people draw nigh and get on God’s side! But there’s no force because it’s really your choice (salvation plug). Flowing In The-Fly Mamas believe in the best, accept it and walk therein. She is flowing in the bloodstain of King Jesus! Curve your nerve with a proverb. The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward. Proverbs 11:18 (November 18) Foxy-Fly Mama Damn+Fool must be the leaders of the new school for some mamas because their irkahliciousness is contagious. Thank God for old-school Foxy-Fly Mamas not having it. A Foxy-Fly Mama who bear kids and run a household are essentially the International CEO’s of America’s soul! Foxy-Fly Mamas are very attentive to everything. Nothing goes unnoticed with their children: How was school? "Good Mama." Did you do your homework? "Yes Mama." Did you finish your chores? "I’m about too after my homework." Show me what you are wearing for school? "Okay." You are NOT wearing that to school, take that off! "Yes ma’am." Can you spend the night over who house (Run’s house)? No! I don’t know Run no. Come and give me my hug and kiss before you go to bed. I love you. "I love you too Foxy-Fly Mama." Yap her kids think she is Fly. She is covered in God’s love. Curve your nerve with a proverb. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: Proverbs 3:3 (March 3) Gifted-Fly Mama Be lifted high in an aeonian Gifted-Fly Mama who multiples the self-image of activism to lubricate your mind in Christ. Gifted-Fly Mamas are youthful with vision; their winning is never-ending as the author, teacher, and public speaker of their household; they fiercely help their husband and children achieve their goals. If it's after eleven, Gifted-Fly Mamas are rocking melodies of Heaven (in the anointing) as their family sleeps in peace. Gifted-Fly Mamas do not take a break from putting the devil in his place. She touches and agrees with her husband in magnanimous faith. Her family is her template of love that keeps her striving to be a lady of PROVERBS 31. Gifted-Fly Mamas are gifted in Sancti-Fly permission NOT asking for your opinion so please pay attention; she’s a grown woman (she can do whatever she wants). Don’t let the lengthening of your ignorance be a disturbance. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence. Psalm 9:3 (September 3) Historic-Fly Mama Twas the night of the Eve came increase participation in community relations for the city where she is employed. Her brand is the approbation of excellence for all of her goodness. So what makes her a Historic-Fly-Mama? Well, she is the first young woman to sphere head community relations events; like the Wine & Chocolate Tasting or New Residents; gaining her the support of the people with 110% involvement. This has never been done before. It’s not like she’s made of rubber, she just extends herself to others. Historic-Fly Mamas continue to make ways out of long days, nights and personal hours. She remains in the bloodstain of Christ. Covered! Curve your nerve with a proverb. My sons, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Proverbs 6:20 (June 20) Mamacita-Fly Mama She gracefully plays her role as the good wife and lady. It’s no wonder why Mamacita-Fly Mamas win-win! This Mamacita Mama is anointed with God’s inspiration that will spread to your head; drip down to cleanse your heart and oil your joints with...wait, I know someone reading this just missed my point. Oh well! Carnality is a dead battery. I can’t charge it. A Mamacita Mama is a predestined blessing to ALL of her family and friends (Sorors-Aka). Mamasita Mamas will rebuke nonsense and dismiss your offense. All she wants to do is zooma-zoom zoom-zoom with the almighty and just shake her romp in the spirit. Her right smothers all kinds of wrong, with prayer warriors like the Mamasita appointed to God’s throne. She is covered in the bloodstain of Jesus. Curve your nerve with a proverb. The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. Proverbs 8:22 (August 22) Natural High-Fly Mama If a biblical aphorism could be used as her first and last name the first one would be; “No weapon from against me shall prosper” and the last name would be; “If you continue to trust in the lord mercy shall surround you.” Butter-Fly Mamas like her understand that we all need mercy. The production of lies does not rest easy in her mind because she dwells richly in honesty and truthfulness. Meekness is her friend until the end. She pursues it. She is it! Although she has 2 Masters and is a CPA, this Natural Fly Mama treats everyone the same. It is quite healthy to do business with Natural High-Fly Mamas like her who kills the opposition of corruption and budget deficits. Her substance is trust. The bloodstain of Jesus remains in the Natural High-Fly Mama! Curve your nerve with a proverb. I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. Proverbs 7:16 (July 16) NevaEnding Winning-Fly Mama Her love is dripping in his blood (Jesus). What can anyone do but be thou REMOVED and get the hell out of her way so she can shine in the lord like the NevaEnding Winning-Fly Mama that she is...anointed. NevaEnding Winning- Fly-Mamas are nothing but a big ole “peace” of ridiculous goodness. These types of mamas are always winning and seeking the BEST for their natural and spiritual lives. A NevaEnding Winning-Fly Mama shares her salvation with her children and with others; most importantly, our young people too. There are no blinks, buts or fuss about knowing in her NevaEnding Winning house, everyone thirst for church on Sunday. She is NevaEnding in her “Belief” so that she can win in her “Hope” to “Endure” any and all situations in her Butter-Fly life. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. Do not remember the sins of my youth nor do my transgressions, According to your mercy remember me for your goodness. 25:7 (July 25) Phenomenal-Fly Mama God placed Phenomenal-Fly Mamas on Mother Earth to shift the winds of grace; with a strong current of mercy. Phenomenal-Fly Mamas know that all things work together for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. She knows God is for her; therefore nothing or no one can reign against the bloodstain that covers her. Phenomenal-Fly Mamas are environmentally high minded business leaders. They are public servants. They live to give and lift up their communities. A refreshing peace of remarkable; this mama will make you feel very comfortable in her presence. She remains in the bloodstain of Jesus Christ. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Psalms 2:8 (February 8) QueenB-Fly Mama You have reached the unlimited Queen B zone. She thinks a lot, in hot pink thoughts and reads for days = healthy brain waves. Sometimes you can cover a person with your warmth and they still elect to remain cold. In the meantime and in-between Queen B’s time; the bottom line is she does not subscribe to foolishness. QueenB-Fly Mamas make the hits on any list; in the White-House, at the PTO or even evangelizing young minds. Young people are automatically drawn to her. She helps and counsels them away from all the bubble gum-rum to keep them from looking dumb. QueenB-Fly Mamas love to have fun. She remains covered in the bloodstain with a twist from a kiss of “foxy-brown” babies. Curve your nerve with a proverb. For she sitteth at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city, Proverbs 9:14 (September 14) Queendom-Fly Mama Queendom-Fly Mamas have a lamplight that never goes out. Her spiritual body is full of God’s light, to introduce and produce some truth in you. Changed hearts often make things right; to slay darkness and keep it from creeping into the daylight. Queendom-Fly Mamas pray for our leaders, babies and all human beings. Some may try to tell her to slow down because her Queendom-Aura is too Fly…puhleese…she is not trying to hear that fake cry. She is inoperable to be unstoppable with God’s word and in her faith. So sew that hole in your sock because you’re not the one that rocks, she is. She is covered in the blood of God’s love. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. Psalms 25:1 (January 25) Representing The Chi-Fly Mama I use to wonder why people flocked to the Chi (Chicago); then I thought long and hard about those women Representing The Chi-Fly Mamas standing by to welcome and say hi. Yes! Those Mamas are friendly Butter-Flies. Let me tell you about one of these lovely butter-flys. You can’t deny her Claratin Clear Eyes Representing The Chi-Fly Mama like MPayne. Perhaps your frame is rather mundane. Butter-Fly Mamas like MPayne are “Back-Packed” to ease that lukewarm game. Her spiritual side reigns. She will not give into “weed wackers” (new hateration). She will put you in your place with elegance and grace, and then attack a sucker in prayer. She remains covered in the bloodstain. Curve your nerve with a proverb. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver. Proverbs 8:19 (August 19) Rocking The-Fly Mama I thought I saw a “peace” of Terrance-Twinkle in her eyes. Oh, that was just her Rocking The-Fly. A Rocking The-Fly Mama can’t even concentrate without prayer dominating her day. She covers, declares and decrees the blood of the lamb (Jesus) over her neighbors and family. Okay but wait...because I’m so not through. Do you know that this mama got the nerve of a proverb to also pray for her enemies too? She rules. She is a Mama worthy of being needed always. She Rocks the Fly-Mama status to conceal a matter if you ask her. Don’t worry she won’t publish it= a good Butter-Fly Mama quality. I decree a double degree of the bloodstain that remains indelible; a two-edge sword over your Rocking The-Fly Mama hood! Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. Because they regard not the works of the LORD, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up. Psalms 28:5 (May 28) Sancti-Fly Mama Sancti-Fly Mamas lurk about like a roaring lioness seeking who and whom they can pray upon and intercede for. She is fully dressed in “blessed.” She is so dang on Sancti-Fly; quick to spoil you and anoint you with oil. This intervention commands attention as this Sancti-Fly Mama dominates the earth in prayer. May God’s wisdom continue to enter your heart and knowledge pleasant to your soul as you remain covered in the bloodstain of Jesus Christ. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins. Psalms 7:9. (July 9) Sheative-Fly Mama Sheative-Fly Mamas do not believe in crippling their children. They think years in advance to come up with plans and preventive measures to help prepare their kids. For example; at the age of 3 and 4 her kids are washing dishes and sweeping floors before the Flintstones come on (lol). At the age of 12 and 13 they are cooking full course meals, running errands and tutoring the neighborhood kids for extra income. They are ripe, ready and gone at the 17 and 18 zones. This may have been a little extreme and to some sprinkles of comical; nevertheless Sheative-Fly Mamas believes all things are possible. She remains covered in the bloodstain. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. Psalms 8:2 (August 2) Spartan-Fly Mama She has the meat to feed your bones; compassion to combat negative reactions and excellence to expect the very best. She is a Chocolate Indulgence with a mood so right. Her husband's friends thinks she is dynamite; they always want to hang out on date nights! She’s so Spartan-Fly in the positives. Spartan-Fly-Mamas have their very own dictionary. I think the name of it is called the “Chicsternary.” This is where Spartan-Fly Mamas carry an undetectable injection of double strength. Spartan-Fly Mamas strap strong! Spartans suffer and rise just like Jesus Christ; blessed with new mercies. Spartan-Fly Mamas are righteous because they “believe” in the lord. She remains covered in the bloodstain. Curve your nerve with a proverb. If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, and let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: Proverbs 1:11 (January 11) Spicy-Fly Mama Pleasure yourself in some Spicy-Fly Mama love. She will give you the flavor of a lifetime. You will have plenty and be satisfied with this extraordinary lady; faithfully by your side (ride or die mama…fa sho). We all need some spice to consume the flavor in our life at times. If you chose to stay wrapped up in bland-land, then you can-can! This Spicyography means she was born blessed to be a blessing as a Spicy-Fly Mama ingredient. Spicy-Fly Mamas are not that thrilled with all the new spices popping up in the pot-world. Those spices have pesticides and really hazardous dyes which accumulate to sickness. She prefers good old-fashioned spice; like the flavor that’s been around the block of prudence, not watered down but full of Spicy-Fly Mama nutrients. She is the soul of her sisters; covered in the bloodstain that remains. Curve your nerve with a proverb. For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Proverbs 3:2 (March 2) Strategically-Fly Mama Strategically-Fly Mamas have a severe intensity to serve and uplift their communities; with integrity making ways out of no ways and opening doors where her crave is multiplied by her authority to win over municipalities. She is a Fly Mama who will reach out to the unspoken and unpopular; bringing their issues and concerns to any board or job where she serves. She put the PH in Balance and brings the back yard to the front. She remains covered in the blood of the lamb. Keep your calm with the equanimity of Psalms. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Psalms 2:11 (February 11) Twisterrificly-Fly Mama When I think about your goodness and all that you have done and been for me, my soul cries out to God with great gratitude. A Twisterrificly-Fly Mama is a treasure from heaven. Halleluiah!!! We are sisters for 100+ years ever. I-Think-I-Thank-I-Can’t-Live Without the LOVE of a Twisterrificly-Fly Mama in my life. She is a Butter-Fly Mama with minimum to no drama at all. She truly knows how to “back that thang up” in prayer. She received her PhD in Prayerology! Twisterrific-Fly Mamas help feed your spirit. They will give you presents for your birthday like gospel CDs, spiritual books or even a new bible to help enhance your spiritual walk with Christ. “Love does not ask it takes and drives hate away.” That quote reminds me of her. When I met her I did not ask her to be my friend, I told her. Gangster! She is always going to be my best friend and on my team. She is covered and remains in the bloodstain of Jesus Christ. Curve your nerve with a proverb. My son let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: Proverbs 3:21 (March 21) Victorious-Fly Mama A Victoriously-Fly Mama is one of God’s unseen (angels) helpers. She is always doing and thinking of others. Victorious-Fly Mamas are “witty-smart” with big-ole hearts. She is Victorious-Fly in her living, thinking and with her family. What makes her so butter-fly is her light to unite for what’s right; an abundant resurrection of a spiritual blessing paired with mercy. She has an instant ability to be generous minus gibberish. She does what needs to be done. If you need clothing she will cloth you. If you are hungry she will feed you. If you need prayer she will pray for you. She understands the lord is her light and her salvation. She believes Jesus came to bear all of her infirmities. This Butter-Fly Mama is sweet or even Clinique; yet Mary Kay fares way better. She remains covered in the bloodstain of Jesus Christ. Curve your nerve with a proverb. Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner. Proverbs 7:12 (July 12) Virtuously-Fly Mama Virtuously-Fly Mamas are indeed God’s moral delights. Her feet are a magnet for heaven and her foot-steps print LOVE! Her anointing specializes in helping young minds stay saved in Christ! She floods the hell out of them with love and grace. A Virtuously-Fly Mama is not quick to speak but to think! Discernment is her #1 concern when dealing with people. She knows that “Hope” has no part but to play “Well” in the lives of those who are personally connected to her! Pray up or Shut up is her motto. Virtuously-Fly Mamas remains covered in the bloodstain glory of the lord Jesus Christ. Curve your nerve with a proverb. Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth. Proverbs 7:24 (July 24) Be CAREFUL with my BUTTER-FLY MAMAS! They REMAIN drenched in deep layers of an anointed covering. Legions of angels shall stand in their way to bless their days; indeed, so you will have to flee!

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